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Frischer Fisch und wildes Grün. Essen im Tessin.

edited by Alice Vollenweider
Limmat Verlag – 2005
ISBN 978-3-85791-459-1

For her book of recipes and reading, the writer and historian, a connoisseur of Ticino, talked to innkeepers, cooks and butchers. They all tell about what they cook and what value cooking has in Canton Ticino. Last but not least, tourism plays an important role in preserving culinary traditions in Ticino.
The innkeeper of Cantina di Gandria tells what the ingredients of his fish soup are, Diego Orelli talks about a hundred Ticino cheeses that can be discovered at the large cheese market in Bellinzona, Fabio Pusterla instead enhances his lentil recipe. Shown here are recipes that Alice Vollenweider has collected for us.
Indication: it should be kept in mind that the book was written in 2005. The stories displayed refer to situations that are no longer relevant today, especially in reference to the protagonists and their situation in our days.
